Do you need to talk about your problem?


Yayasan Yekti Angudi Piadeging Hukum Indonesia (Yayasan YAPHI) aspires to a civilized society, characterized by a diverse but unified Indonesia, in a sustainable manner and in peaceful co-existence, on the basis of humanity, truth, justice, love, and critical perspective. Yayasan YAPHI adheres to the same spirit and mandate as Yayasan Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia (YAPHI), which was established in 1987 by Yayasan Bimbingan Kesejahteraan Sosial (YBKS) Surakarta and Yayasan Ignatius Slamet Riyadi (YISR) Surakarta


Work with communities to bring justice

Child Marriage at Women National Assembly

Women National Assembly (Saturday, 20/4) discussed in detail the issue of child marriage, and draw key...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Social Protection Expansion is Essential for Poverty Alleviation

The highest point of the Women National Assembly (Saturday, 20/4) is the collaboration that developed since 2023. The...

Category: Suara Keadilan

The Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection Articulates Strengths and Challenges for Women

The Indonesian Constitution of 1945 and a variety of related laws already guarantee equality for all citizens, to...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Open Letter to the Head of Parliament - Puan Maharani

To Head of Parliament - Puan Maharani. From: Indonesian Women

Category: Suara Keadilan

Women National Assembly for Women Active Participation

The Women National Assembly proceeds on 26-27 March 2023, and embodies the active and meaningful participation of...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Human Rights Festival as a Momentum for Increasing Awareness and Solidarity for Human Rights

The tenth human rights festival will proceed in Bitung City, North Sulawesi Sulawesi on 29–31 July 2024, featuring...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Pro-Justitia Investigation of Serious Human Rights Violation continues: Wrap-Up Munir Murder Case in Transparent and Accountable Manner!

The Indonesian Government attends the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission session for the International Covenant...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Sigab, Yakkum and Formasi Disabilitas release 2024 Election Monitoring Result

Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel (SIGAB) Indonesia, Pusat Rehabilitasi Yakkum, and Formasi Disabilitas...

Category: Suara Keadilan

The Constitutional Court Decides on Libel

The Constitutioal Court agrees to some points of the judicial review demanded by two human rights activists, Haris...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Religious Leaders Talk during a Press Conference and Jointly Offer Prayer for the Domestic Workers’ Protection Law

A nineteenth domestic workers’ protest occurs in front of the Parliament Building on Friday 15 March 2024, during the...

Category: Suara Keadilan

Traditional Women Fight for Equality

Women and culture are two inseparable words. Women play roles in culture as preserver and guardian of tradition and...

Category: Suara Keadilan