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Yayasan Yekti Angudi Piadeging Hukum Indonesia (Yayasan YAPHI) aspires to a civilized society, characterized by a diverse but unified Indonesia, in a sustainable manner and in peaceful co-existence, on the basis of humanity, truth, justice, love, and critical perspective. Yayasan YAPHI adheres to the same spirit and mandate as Yayasan Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia (YAPHI), which was established in 1987 by Yayasan Bimbingan Kesejahteraan Sosial (YBKS) Surakarta and Yayasan Ignatius Slamet Riyadi (YISR) Surakarta
Public Discussion – Urging for a Road Map for Human-Rights-Based Prevention and Management of Human Trafficking Crimes
The National Commission for Human Rights put Human Trafficking Crimes as a top human rights priority for 2022 to 2027....
Category: Suara Keadilan
Safe Space for All to Prevent Sexual Violence in Campuses
End of Year Women Congress highlight for 2023 revealed the many cases of violence against women. There were at least...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Komasipera Conducted a Seminar on the Physical and Psychological effects of Violence
Annual Record of the National Women’s Rights Commission showed that domestic violence totaled 61.1% or 14,540 cases of...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Step towards Eliminating Patriarchy
Women issue was always closely related to patriarchy culture and the latter’s many manifestation. This was realistic,...
Category: Suara Keadilan
NGO-PHI with Rumah Matahari in Celebration of World’s AIDS Day
The number of HIV/AIDS cases in the District of Pati was 2,601 cases, since first detected in 1996. Of this total...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Community Empowerment Team of Unisri: Program for KOMPAK Peasant group to Hopefully Continue
The Community Empowerment Team of Universitas Slamet Riyadi provided training to KOMPAK Peasant group (Kelompok Tani...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Prevent Disability in 1,000 first days of life
Dr. Zaenal Abidin, S.H,M.H – Health Woking Group – serves as a moderator for the public discussion organised by KPAI...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Notes from the Mental Health Fair: Prioritise Mental Health at Workplace
There are tens of booths at the event at Jakarta International Velodrome on Sunday (13/10), including hospitals,...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Youth Discussion on Social Movement
There was something interesting in the Talk Show at Bestari Festival, on Saturday, 19 October, with regards to the...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Agrarian Resilience, Conflict Cycle and Needed Solution
"Conflict involves competition between two or more actors about values, or competition to get access to power status...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Public Discussion – Sexual Violence and Its Relations with Law and Indigenous Communities
The director of Jurnal Perempuan (Women Journal) Abby Gina Boang Manalu says (10/9) that sexual violence is becoming...
Category: Suara Keadilan
Finding the Right Supported Decision-Making for Persons with Disability Vis-à-vis the Law
Albert Wirya from Community Legal Aid Institute (LBH Masyarakat or LBHM) was one of the speakers in a Disability...
Category: Suara Keadilan